Blockle components are built using a theming system that allows you to customize the appearance of the components to match your brand.
Below is an example of a button component with a custom theme applied. To create a theme for a specific component, you can use makeComponentTheme()
. This function takes a component name and a theme object.
We set the base styles and variants for the button component.
The default variants can be specficied with defaultVariants
import { createVar } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
import { makeComponentTheme, atoms, vars, style } from '@blockle/blocks';
const primaryColor = createVar();
export const button = makeComponentTheme('button', {
base: style({
display: 'inline-flex',
variants: {
variant: {
solid: style({
color: vars.color.white,
backgroundColor: primaryColor,
border: 'none',
outline: style({
color: primaryColor,
borderWidth: 'small',
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderColor: primaryColor,
background: 'transparent',
ghost: style({
color: primaryColor,
background: 'transparent',
size: {
small: style({
paddingX: 'large',
height: 40,
medium: style({
paddingX: 'xlarge',
height: 56,
large: style({
paddingX: 'xlarge',
height: 72,
intent: {
neutral: style({
vars: {
[primaryColor]: vars.color.primary,
danger: style({
vars: {
[primaryColor]: vars.color.danger,
defaultVariants: {
size: 'small',
variant: 'ghost',
intent: 'neutral',
To apply custom styling rules to a combination of variants, you can use compound variants.
export const button = makeComponentTheme('button', {
base: '...',
variants: {
variant: { ... },
size: { ... },
compoundVariants: [
// When the variant is 'solid' and the size is 'large'
variants: {
variant: 'solid',
size: 'large',
// These styles will be applied
style: style({
transform: 'scale(2)',
For more examples of component theming, see GitHub.